Do Research With Us

Photo by Isai Dominguez

Research is one of the principle cornerstones of our operation. The gathering of information about the diversity and functioning of this complex ecosystem will provide greater possibilities to understand and therefore manage it into the future as development pressures in the region continue to increase.

We are committed to make TBS one of the primary sites for Tropical Research in the Neotropics. With that vision in mind, we welcome everyone interested in developing new research as well as those interested in comparative studies.

Here are the steps to ensure successful research at TBS:

Contact TBS Direction

Contact our Director, Gonzalo Rivas ( and our Research Coordinator ( and briefly describing your research project, the kind of data you will need to collect, and when you would like to conduct field components. We will look into the feasibility of carrying out your proposal at TBS. Your research at Tiputini requires permits issued by the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador and a National Counterpart. 

We encourage you to check our Research Guidelines, Research Policies and Permit Application Process documents.

Select a National Counterpart

The TBS Director will set up a meeting with a potential counterpart for your project, someone who can provide valuable comments for your project. Your counterpart will typically be part of Universidad San Francisco de Quito research community.

Start the Permit Application Process

Once your counterpart has been selected, you can start the application process in order to obtain a Research Permit from the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador. Our staff will assist and advise you on all administrative procedures. Please note that this process can take a while, so make sure you plan ahead. We suggest that you submit your permit requests at least 90 days prior to the planned start of your work.

Make reservations

While you are in the process of obtaining your research permit, make sure you define your dates and inquire about prices, logistics and reservations  with our Reservations Coordinator, Carla Larrea ( Once you get your Research Permit, you can make the necessary payments before travelling to TBS.  For prices and fees, please click HERE

Prepare for fieldwork

TBS will help as much as possible with the transportation of equipment within Ecuador and will make every reasonable effort to ensure that it arrives safely and in good condition. However, we are not responsible for the value of such equipment. Once you are ready to start your work at the Station, our Resident Manager will help you in case you have any questions about the area and facilities such as Lab space. We can provide a guide for your first two days, to serve as orientation to our facilities and trail systems. If you require further assistance beyond that period on a permanent or temporary basis, we will help to identify and contract such personnel for you. For more information about what to bring and how to get to TBS, please visit our Visitors Info section.

Document Biological Diversity in the Field

We encourage all researchers and students to contribute to participatory science platforms like iNaturalist, eBird and Merlin Bird ID. We recommend you all create your account and download the applications on your phone before arriving at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station.

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