Birds of Tiputini
Photo by: Roberto García-Roa
With thirty years of experience leading in Amazonian research and environmental education, Tiputini Biodiversity Station (TBS) is an incredible place to study and observe wildlife, especially birds.
Through our Birdwatching and Avian Research Programs, birders, naturalists and researchers are provided opportunities to explore rainforest diversity across extensive TBS lands within the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve. These knowledge-building programs provide access to our 40-meter canopy tower, >40km of varzea and terra firme trails, extensive reaches of the Tiputini river and canoeing on a beautiful oxbow lake.
Our facilities at TBS include a 600m2 (6000 ft2) laboratory building with wireless internet access. The building spans two floors and houses classrooms, a library, offices and dedicated research space. Visitors are comfortably housed in cabins located within 100m of the central lab building at TBS. Each cabin has two rooms with large, screened windows, ensuring ample ventilation and natural light.
Photo by: Juan Francisco Herrera Cueva
Bird Monitoring
Information about riparian bird populations in the Ecuadorian Amazon is sorely lacking, prompting us to launch a long-term riparian avian monitoring project along the Tiputini river.
Avian research collaborators spend a beautiful morning floating downriver by boat, recording their visual and auditory observations. We invite you to spend the weekend with us to immerse yourself in this unforgettable context. Even better if you would like to spend one not-so-lazy-morning floating downriver and contributing to science!
Birds you can find on Tiputini Biodiversity Station (TBS)
530 Bird Species and counting...
Photo by: Juan Francisco Herrera Cueva
530 Bird Species and counting...
30 Threatened IUCN
19 Western Amazonian Range Restricted
7 Toucan Species
18 Macaws and Parrots
4 Potoos
45 Antbirds and relates
20 Representative Species
Photo by: Juan Francisco Herrera Cueva
Salvin’s Curassow
Harpy Eagle
Zigzag Heron
Red-and-green Macaw
Grey-winged Trumpeter
Chestnut-headed Crake
Saphire Quail-Dove
Fiery Topaz
Ringed Woodpecker
Pavonine Quetzal
Purplish Jacamar
Spotted Puffbird
White-plumed Antbird
Rusty-belted Tapaculo
Black-necked Red-Cotinga
Spangled Cotinga
Wire-tailed Manakin
Fulvous Shrike-Tanager
Casqued Oropendola
Installation and Services
Photo by: Jaime Culebras
40 km auto guided trails.
Capacity for 65 visitors.
Specialized birdwatching guides.
1 Canopy Tower (45 meters tall)
Day and night canoa bird watching floats
Paddling canoe at an oxbow lake
We have 3 available programs
Click on the bottom to learn about our birdwatching programs, or keep scrolling down.
- Bird Expert
This program allows birdwatchers and naturalists to explore the megadiverse forest at TBS and learn about ecosystem functionality, dynamics and importance. As part of your learning experience, you will be able to enjoy our 40-meter canopy tower with a view over the unbroken canopy, hike along our trails and explore a beautiful oxbow lake by canoe.
Additionally, this experience includes entrance to the Limoncocha reserve or the modern interpretation center in the town of El Coca.
It includes:
Air fair (Quito-Coca-Quito); Lodging (including 1 night in Coca for returning day); all meals and permanent coffee station at TBS; Coca-TBS-Coca transportation; Birdwatching bilingual (English/Spanish) guide; addittional activity in Coca (museum or hike (depending on the returning day); and TBS insurance in case of emergency evacuation.
Photo by: Juan Francisco Herrera Cueva
Duration 4 Days /3 Nights
Minimum of: 2 visitors
Price per visitor: USD 2,085
Duration 5 Days /4 Nights
Minimum of: 2 visitors
Price per visitor: USD 2,230
2. Bird Explorer
Through this program, birders and naturalists are provided opportunities to investigate rainforest diversity across extensive TBS lands within the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. Hands-on experience allows in-depth learning about the workings of this complex ecosystem as well as its inherent value and importance of Amazonia for the proper function of the planet.
This knowledge-building package provides access to our 40-meter canopy tower, >40km of varzea and terra firme trails, extensive reaches of the Tiputini river and canoeing on a beautiful oxbow lake.
It includes:
Air fair (Quito-Coca-Quito); Lodging (including 1 night in Coca for returning day); all meals and permanent coffee station at TBS; Coca-TBS-Coca transportation; local guide; and TBS insurance in case of emergency evacuation.
Photo by: Juan Francisco Herrera Cueva
Duration 4 Days/3 Nights
Minimum of: 1 visitor
Price per visitor: USD 1,017
Duration 5Days /4Nights
Minimum of: 1 visitor
Price per visitor: USD 1,167
3. TBS Bird count
To understand riparian bird population dynamics and to preserve this community around the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, we evaluate the avian fauna along the Tiputini river throughout the year. If you are an experienced birdwatcher, come with a companion to our station for a weekend and help us identify and count the birds while boating along the Tiputini River.
Your observations will contribute to a long-term bird monitoring project and will improve our knowledge of birds across the greater region. Also, you will have the chance to explore the forest, our canopy tower, learn about scientific projects and potentially observe hundreds of bird species for yourself.
It includes:
Lodging & meals at TBS, including permanent coffee station at TBS and box lunch; Coca-TBS-Coca transportation; local guide; and TBS insurance in case of emergency evacuation.
Photo by: Diego Mosquera
Duration 4 Days/ 3 Nights:
Minimum of: 1 visitor
Price per visitor: USD 425
Duration 5 Days/4 Nights:
Minimum of: 1 visitor
Price per visitor: USD 520
All visitors must have international insurance and yellow fever vaccination certificate
Photo by: Juan Francisco Herrera Cueva
Birdwatching under TBS Avian Research
Please contact us at or for more information about our programs, prices and longer stays.