Educational Offerings

Photo by Roberto García-Roa

Our goal in education is to inspire curiosity and marvel at the wonders of nature in the world’s most species diverse region. We know that the experiences of nearly one thousand visitors per year have left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of those who have personally witnessed the magnificence of eastern Ecuador’s lowland rainforest. 

While we are not involved in typical tourism, we are pleased to have opportunities to receive different sorts of visitors. Recognizing that today fewer people than ever before have access to wilderness areas and therefore, less overall appreciation of nature, we wish to expose as many individuals as possible to the wonders of Yasuní so that more may understand why it should be valued, protected and maintained.

Student Groups

We welcome professors, group leaders and student groups to carry out their field courses at TBS and learn about the ecological principles applied to tropical rainforests. If you are a professor and need more information about how to make your field courses run smoothly at TBS, please send us an email with the proposed course’s topic, required facilities and resources and any other questions you may have. You can also download our activities brochure here.

TBS Workshops

If you are not a professor or a biologist, but still you want to bring your group to TBS for a learning experience or just to see the wonders of the tropical forest, send us an email and we can give you more information about our year-round workshops. You will also have to opportunity to be involved in one of our iconic biodiversity and conservation projects. Our Workshops include a variety of topics such as tropical ecosystems, citizen science and wildlife photography. You can download our activities brochure here.

TBS Programs

If you are a specialist in the fields of Biology, Conservation, Anthropology, Environmental Science, Environmental Law or work for the preservation of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve and the Amazon Region, send us an email so we can give you more information about our specialized programs. Our programs are designed to improve knowledge and skills concerning emerging topics such as Nature Rights, Climate Change, Global Conservation, Water Management, Plant and Wildlife Ecology and so much more.